vendredi 14 mai 2010

Final writing test-Part A

The tell-tale heart
2. I can only think of one movie; Misery, from Stephen King. A woman tortures her favorite author because of her obsession for his novels. She kidnaps him, and at some point, breaks his leags with a hammer. Throughout the end, she get more and more disturbed. It is a must-see film.

An occurence et Owl Creek Bridge
5. The author tricks the reader into thinking the main character is still alive and that he tries to escape. He makes us think that the character has returned to his wife and kid and that everything will be fine.Surely, at the end of the story, we realize that he was dead from the point he got hanged.

The comedy of Errors
9. Some themes as family and couple relationships are universal and timeless subjects that will probably always be relevant. The director wanted to show, by actualizing the story in a modern environment, that some themes are timeless.

10. The actors were great, and went on a more realistic side despite the fact that Shakespeare's plays are written to be more of a declamation style then a psychiological torture. The sets were poly-fonctional and really captured the essence of the city. To put it in a modern context was a heavy decision and I thought it changed all the meaning of the play, I would have prefered to see it old style.

3 commentaires:

  1. 1.Hills like White Elephants:8. The short story is symbolic of the journey of life. How is this so?

    The characters in ''Hills Like White Elephants'' debate over having an abortion or not. They have come at a fork on their path of life where they must make a decision that will determine their future. The story takes place at the crossroads of a train station. It is symbolic of the journey of life because they have the choice of choosing in which direction they want to go.
    2. The Tell-Tale Heart: Compare this story to a horror film that you have seen.

    The tell-tale heart reminds me of the movie Halloween. Especially the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis' character believes she has killed Michael Myers (since she stabs him in the neck with a sewing needle)but he isn't dead and comes back to try and kill her. Sort of like when the old man's beating heart comes back to haunt the main character in the short story.
    3.The Comedy of Errors: Comment on the best and worst of the play with regards to some of the following points: acting, writing, director`s choices, humour, production values.

    In my opinion, the Centaur Theatre adaptation of ''The Comdey of Errors'' was very spot on. It was funny, well acted out and relevant to today's society (with all it's urbanism and drag queen singers). I liked that they stayed true to the original Shakespeare text. It is sometimes hard to understand but it makes it more authentic. Also, the clash between old english and modern society is very interesting.


  2. Bobby, Incorrect inserttion. My mistake. FB

  3. The tell-tale heart
    2. I can only think of one movie; Misery, from Stephen King. A woman tortures her favorite author because of her obsession for his novels. She kidnaps him, and at some point, breaks his leags with a hammer. Throughout the end, she get more and more disturbed. It is a must-see film.

    An occurence et Owl Creek Bridge
    5. The author tricks the reader into thinking the main character is still alive and that he tries to escape. He makes us think that the character has returned to his wife and kid and that everything will be fine.Surely, at the end of the story, we realize that he was dead from the point he got hanged.


    The comedy of Errors
    9. Some themes as family and couple relationships are universal and timeless subjects that will probably always be relevant. The director wanted to show, by actualizing the story in a modern environment, that some themes are timeless.

    10. The actors were great, and went on a more realistic side despite the fact that Shakespeare's plays are written to be more of a declamation style then a psychiological torture. The sets were poly-fonctional and really captured the essence of the city. To put it in a modern context was a heavy decision and I thought it changed all the meaning of the play, I would have prefered to see it old style.

